Monday, January 21, 2008

I am the CREATOR...

Ok, so maybe that was a little dramatic (I know, who me? dramatic? never...), but this weekend has shown me that I really can accomplish a variety of things, most of which I had never imagined. As you may know, I had designed a dining room table awhile back. Now, designing things isn't uncommon for me--random things jump into (and out of) my brain quite often. However, actually doing something with these designs is new for me. So, in August, I pitched my design to my trusty friend Rich, an accomplished carpenter himself (not to mention the owner of all the necessary equipment) and enlisted his time, energy and expertise. Four and a half months later, I was wood shopping.

Side Note: If you've never gone to a wood store (and Home Depot doesn't count), then I highly recommend it. The smells remind me a bit of a coffee store (where you buy, not necessarily drink). Wood, in its raw form, is stupendous. There is variety, and heft, and color, and scent, and style--and none of it looks like it does when it leaves a Room and Board store--it's better, it's individual, it's potential.

This past weekend commenced the actual building of said table. I measured, and cut, and screwed, and glued. I operated a table saw, a drop saw, levels, drills, and numerous other toys I hardly knew existed, much less how to operate. I constructed the table top. It's beautiful, it has character, like the little knot/divot/imperfection that I selected to show and the space where the boards aren't perfectly flush. I like the heftiness of the table, it's sturdy and striking, and will be with me for years. And I designed it. And built it. With help, but on my own. I'm proud of myself.

Of course it needs legs...those are next weekend, then a little stain/poly, and then home delivery. It won't be long before I can have people over for dinner, and not have them sitting around my coffee table, on the floor. Then, I need bench seats (I've already designed and spec'ed them out). After that, who knows, maybe that coffee table I've designed...

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